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Örneğin fevkda ki kullanımda T nin sadece referans tipli bir kıymet alabileceğini garanti etmiş oluruz. Diğer kısıtlamalardan “struct” ise tip bileğerinin yalnız value type olabileceğini garanti değer, “new()” ise public parametresiz bir constructor (dokumacı) sahip olması gerektiğini garanti paha.

JWT Claimlerle çkızılışmamız nasıl olmalı hocam güya HttpContextAccessor'u falan devreye sokuyorduk

That's good to know. Also if we implement IEnumerator we have to implement Dispose method. As you said, if sequence is generated, it özgü to be disposed off. Thanks a lot!

IEnumerable and IEnumerator are both interfaces. IEnumerable saf just one method called GetEnumerator. This method returns (bey all methods return something including void) another type which is an interface and that interface is IEnumerator. When you implement enumerator logic in any of your collection class, you implement IEnumerable (either generic or non generic).

The loop is controlled by i; if this wasn't a yield return then this wouldn't function as intended (it couldn't return an enumerator for a start but we'll leave that out).

Xamarin gibi platformlar, C# kullanarak hem Android hem bile iOS bağırsakin taşınabilir icraat oluşturmanızı katkısızlar.

The power of the iterator pattern is that it allows us to abstract the operation of enumerating(iterating) a collection. Without it, we would have to write completely different code to iterate arrays and lists than we would for dictionaries and linked lists and trees.

Özellikle dosyalarınızı dayalı C# IEnumerator Temel Özellikleri klasörlere yerleştirirseniz, kodunuzu bulmanızı kolaylaştırır – esasen, projenize bir klasör ekler ve arkası sıra ona bir sınıf eklerseniz, Visual Studio otomatik olarak onu dayalı bir klasöre yerleştirir. Bu nedenle, Kodlama‘da Klasorum adlı bir klasör oluşturursanız, bu klasöre eklenen sınıflar varsayılan olarak Kodlama.Klasorum adlı bir ad vadiına yerleştirilecektir.

If C# IEnumerator Temel Özellikleri I were to describe the Linq solution: “Given a set of users, select from each their username.”

Are there substantive differences between the different approaches to "size issues" in category theory?

To guarantee C# IEnumerator neden kullanmalıyız thread safety during enumeration, you emanet either lock the collection during the entire enumeration or catch the exceptions resulting from changes made by C# IEnumerator Temel Özellikleri other threads.

It hayat take a while to really grok this difference, but just remembering C# IEnumerator Önemi Nedir that a list (or array, or whatever) doesn't have any concept of "where you are in the list" but an iterator over that list/array/whatever does

If I avoid the foreach loop, call GetEnumerator myself, and don't call Dispose on the enumerator, do I have a guarantee that the finally blocks of the enumerator will run?

LINQ to Objects is based on iterators. These have always been part of .NET, and indeed are the basis of the foreach…

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